Setting up TaskMan monitors for configurations

Set up TaskMan to monitor configurations for any application database on which users will be executing reports, stored procedures, IDO methods, executables, or other background tasks.

Include entity application databases, because financial reports can be run on them.

See the information on TaskMan monitoring of sites in the Multi-Site Planning Guide.

  1. Go to the TaskMan tab of the Service Configuration Manager.
  2. Click Add to display a dialog box where you can select a configuration and optionally a DSN. (DSNs are only needed for some custom reports created in previous versions. See the Service Configuration Manager online help for more information.)
  3. Click OK. The configuration is added to the list in the TaskMan tab.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have added all the configurations you want TaskMan to monitor.
  5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the window to save your changes.
    The changes you made should be recognized within a short time. If not, you can stop and restart the services, as described later in this chapter.
  6. Ensure that every configuration that is included in the TaskMan tab is also included in the Events tab. Event monitoring is required for background task scheduling.