Removing a site from an existing system

Note: Be aware that, if you remove a master site, these features that depend on having a master site are no longer available:
  • Multi-Site Customers, Multi-Site Items, and Multi-Site Vendors forms
  • (On-premises only) Intranet licensing

The steps below describe removal of a site or entity that exists by itself in an application database.

There currently is no way to remove one site or entity, if it contains transaction data, from a multi-site application database. In that case, you would copy the site to one new database, then copy all of the other sites to another new database, then remove the original database that previously contained all of the sites. See the steps in Copying an existing site into an existing database (multiple sites per database). Also see the description of "Problem: after adding a site in a different database, replication is not working" in Common replication solutions. Many of the logical separation steps described in this topic would still apply in that case.

For more information on any step, see the online help.

  1. If the site or entity currently reports to an entity and general ledger activity has been performed at the site, complete these steps:
    1. Post and consolidate all journals and the ledger for transactions in the current site. Run the Ledger Consolidation activity at each site to calculate the ending balances for every account number at the site and consolidate them up through the old entity hierarchy.
    2. Because the full account balances will be closed out and moved, any balances that are to remain in the old structure must be manually transferred to other sites by journal entries in both sites. Post and consolidate those journal entries.
  2. If a site is being removed from a reporting hierarchy (that is, it currently reports to an entity) the Change Reports To utility should be run at the site, with the Reports To field blank.
  3. If an entity is being removed from a reporting hierarchy:
    1. Run the Change Reports To utility at sites reporting to that entity, to change the hierarchy so that no sites are reporting to it.
    2. If the entity also reported to a higher-level entity, run the Change Reports To utility at the entity being removed, with the Reports To field blank.
  4. Ensure that all other users are logged out of the site. If you are removing a master site, all users must be logged out of all sites on the master sites’ intranet. If the remaining sites are all in one application database, and the removed site is the only site not in that database, all users must be logged out of that application database.
  5. If the site belongs to an intranet that is sharing tables:
    1. Go to the master site’s Intranet Shared Tables form and unshare all the shared _all tables. This adds the shared tables back to all of the sites in the intranet.
    2. Go to the master site’s Intranet Shared User Tables form and unshare the shared user tables. This adds the shared user tables back to all of the sites in the intranet.
    3. At the site being removed, go to the Sites or Sites/Entities form and change the Intranet value to some other intranet (or make it blank).
    4. If the site being removed is the master site for the shared intranet, log into the master site. On the Intranets form, clear the Master Site field. This should replicate to all the other sites in the shared intranet.
  6. (On-premises only) If the site being removed uses intranet licensing, deselect the Intranet Licensing check box on the Sites or Sites/Entities form and save the record.

    If the site being removed is a master site using intranet licensing, you must also deselect the Intranet Licensing field at all slave sites and then apply a license at each site.

    Note: Turning Intranet Licensing off at a site requires that a license document be applied to that site. It may also result in incomplete licensing on that site for some user-created objects, because the ModuleMembers records created for new and copied forms will have been created in the master site application database and in the originator's site application database. If Intranet Licensing at a site is disabled, and if it is not the master site or the site from which the new or copy action was originated, then the appropriate ModuleMember licensing records for those user-created forms and IDOs are not present in the application database of that site.

    Users cannot access sites where you have turned off intranet licensing until you either set up specific licensing for that site, or set up a new master site with intranet licensing and then reselect the Intranet Licensing check box at the master and slave sites.

  7. Remove replication rules in these areas:
    • from other sites to the site being removed

    • from the site being removed to other sites.

  8. If the removed site was linked to sites in other databases, change the linked server setup within SQL Server or remove its linked record in the Sites/Entities form.
  9. If the remaining sites are all in one application database, and the removed site is the only site not in that database, use the Update _All Tables form to truncate the _all tables in each site.
  10. Delete the removed site’s record in the Sites or Sites/Entities form at the other sites.

    Since the Site Admin category is replicated between all sites, removing the site record from one site should remove it from all of the others. Verify this at each site.

    You might need to delete data relating to the removed site, so that Infor SyteLine will allow the deletion of the removed site’s records on the Sites or Sites/Entities form. If so, an error message displays information about the problem. You can also use SQL queries to review any data that references the site, to make sure you are not leaving databases in a state where orphaned data causes issues with functionality.

    Some records for the site are automatically removed by the system. For example, the site’s record is removed from the Site Groups form.

    Site records remaining in _all tables should not cause problems with the application. However, they do take up space in the database. See step 16.

  11. If the remaining sites are all in one application database, and the removed site is the only site not in that database, use the View Management and Trigger Management forms to regenerate the views and table triggers in that application database.
  12. Optionally, if the site that is being removed was the master site, specify a new master site. Log into the site that will be the new master site. On the Intranets form, select the shared intranet. In the Master Site field, select this site to specify it as the master site for the intranet.
  13. At the master site, delete any references to the removed site in the Sites or Sites/Entities form’s Link Info tab.
  14. In the removed site, delete records for the other sites in the Sites or Sites/Entities form. See the Note above.
  15. Regenerate the replication triggers at all sites.
  16. You may want to use the Update _All Tables utility to truncate and repopulate the _all tables, deleting references to the removed site. Or you may want to temporarily preserve the site records in the _all tables for later auditing. If you choose to truncate/repopulate, perform the truncation at all sites first; then perform the repopulation at all sites. (If you truncated the tables in step 9, you can skip this step.)
  17. If the site was removed from an intranet with shared _all tables, go to the master site. Open the Intranet Shared Tables form and re-share the shared _all tables that you unshared in step 5.
  18. If the site was removed from an intranet with shared user tables, go to the master site. Open the Intranet Shared User Tables form and re-share the shared user tables that you unshared in step 5.
  19. In the Service Configuration Manager on the utility server, if the removed site’s configurations were being monitored by the Replication/Inbound Bus services, or by TaskMan or the Event Service, remove the configurations from the list of monitored configurations.
  20. In the Configuration Manager on the utility server, remove the site’s configurations from any configuration groups, and remove or edit the configuration definitions.
  21. Restart the Infor Framework services on the utility server to pick up the configuration changes.

After you remove this site from its current system, you might want to add it to another SyteLine multi-site system.