Setting up the master site

Log in to the site that you want to make the master site where the shared tables will exist for the intranet. Then follow these steps at that site only:

Note: Use a site, not an entity, as your master site.
Note: In a cloud environment, never select the Intranet Licensing option.
  1. Verify the information on the Link Info tab on the Sites or Sites/Entities form at the master site:
    1. On the Link Info tab for the master site’s record, each of the other sites on its intranet should be listed as linked sites. For example, if the master site is ILL and the other sites on the intranet are CRP, USA, and CAL, the local site record for ILL would list all the other sites on its intranet.

    2. On the Link Info tab for other site records on the shared intranet, the master site should be listed.

      For example, when you are logged into the ILL master site, the CAL site record’s Link Info tab would look like this:

    In an on-premise environment, sites on other intranets do not require Live Link information at the master site.

  2. On the Intranets form, select this site's intranet. In the Master Site field, specify the master site where shared tables will reside.

    These requirements must be met in order to add or change a value in this field:

    • You must be logged into the site that you want to specify as the master site.
    • This site must be defined as being within the selected intranet. Live links must be set up (on the Sites or Sites/Entities form) between this site and the other sites in the intranet.
    • No table within the intranet is currently shared using the Shared _All Tables utility.

    This master site must be an SyteLine site, not an entity.

Note: After you define the master site for an intranet on the master site's Intranets form, the master site name displays, but cannot be changed, on the Intranets form at all other sites. (This assumes you have set up replication of the Site Admin category from the master site to the other sites in the intranet, or the sites are in the same application database.)