Recording Job Scrap Transactions

Use the Job Scrap Transactions form to record scrap quantities for co-jobs. This form follows standard SyteLine functionality for job scrap and inventory (quantity) adjustment transactions.

  1. Open the Job Scrap Transactions form.
  2. Specify the item to receive the scrap transaction.
  3. If this record is for a completed job, you can select By Container to issue the entire container. If you select this option, you must add a container, a reason code, and a transaction date. Also, when this check box is selected, container serial numbers are displayed on the Serial Numbers tab.
  4. Specify the quantity to be scrapped.
  5. If applicable, specify the job that the quantity will be scrapped against.
  6. If the specified job has a status of Released, specify this information. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
    • The employee for the scrap transaction.
    • The operation that should record the scrap.
    • The work shift that should record the scrap. A default value is entered based on the selected employee; however, you can change this value.
  7. Specify the transaction date.
  8. Specify the reason for the scrap transaction.
  9. If no job or a job that is not released is specified in step 5, specify this information. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
    • The location that the material will be removed from.
    • If the item is lot tracked, the lot that the material will be removed from.
    • The inventory adjustment account and account unit codes.
    • Select the Serial Numbers tab and specify the appropriate information.
    • Select the Pieces tab and specify the appropriate information.
    • Select the Container Contents tab and specify the appropriate information.
  10. Click Process.