Creating an Estimate Co-job

If you are using the Molding Industry Pack, use the Estimate Co-job Orders form to create and maintain estimate co-job orders. Use the header section to specify shared information for jobs in the co-job and the grid section to specify item detail for all jobs tied to the co-job. Alternatively, you can quickly create estimates on the Estimate Job Order Quick Entry form.

  1. Open the Estimate Job Orders form and click the filter-in-place button.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify an alphanumeric identifier of up to 10 characters to be used by every job in the estimate co-job. By default, the system uses the next unique number. If you allow the system to assign the next job number, the job number does not display in the job number field until you save the new job.
    Optionally, you can specify a description of the estimate co-job.
    For Whse
    Specify the warehouse code for the destination of any finished good inventory this job produces. The default value is the same as that entered in the Default Whse field on the Inventory Parameters form.
    Specify the current status of all jobs in the estimate co-job. The default status is Firm. For information about status options, see the Status field help topic.
    Specify the date on which this estimate job is to be released for work (the start of the first job operation). The system uses the start date and the item lead time to generate the end date automatically, if the end date is blank or if it is earlier than the start date. This field is available for use only when the co-job status is Firm or Released. If you change this date, it changes the start date for every job in the estimate co-job.
    Job Date
    You can specify the date on which the job is created or accept the default of today for new jobs. This field is available for use only when the estimate co-job status is Firm or Released.
    Optionally, you can specify the priority. This field applies to the Scheduler only and is available for use only when the co-job status is Firm or Released. If you change the priority, it changes for every job in the co-job. For more information, see the Priority field help topic.
    Priority Freeze
    Optionally, you can select this field to indicate a job's priority is standard. This job's priority is not reset by the Global Priority utility. This field is available for use only when the co-job status is Firm or Released. If you change this setting, it changes for every job in the estimate co-job.
    Resource BOM
    If you have specified a co-job setup on the Resources form, Tooling tab, you can select it here to automatically add items in the grid. Otherwise, items are added in the next step. This field is available for use only when the co-job status is Firm.
  4. In the grid, add items for the finished good item and enter all appropriate information.
    Note:  All items on the co-job must have the same costing method.
    Qty Per Cycle
    Specify the quantity of the item that is to be produced in each cycle. A value can be entered when the co-job status is Firm or Released.
    BOM Alternate ID
    Specify the BOM to use for the item. A value can be selected when the estimate co-job status is Firm.
    Specify the released quantity for the job. A value can be entered when the co-job status is Firm or Released.
    Note: The remaining grid fields on this form have the same use and behavior as those on the Estimate Job Orders form. For more information about an individual field, go to that form, right-click in the field, and select Help.
  5. If you need to preassign lot or serial numbers for items on the co-job, click Preassign Lots/Serials to open the Co-job Order Preassign Lots and Serials form.
  6. Save the job.

If necessary, you can now add a routing and BOM to the job.