Creating a Quick Entry Estimate Job Order
- Open the Estimate Job Order Quick Entry form.
- In the Estimate field, specify an estimate ID or leave this field blank to cause the system to generate a new estimate ID.
- In the Status field, specify the current status of the estimate: Planned, Quoted, Working, or History. This field is required.
- In the Start Date field, specify the date the quote will be given to the customer, or accept the default of today's date. This field is required.
- Specify the Customer and customer Ship To, if applicable. Otherwise, specify the Prospect. If a customer is specified, the Prospect field is disabled.
- Specify the Opportunity number, or leave this field blank.
- In the Salesperson field, accept the default salesperson or specify a new salesperson. The default is determined by the estimate header, if one exists. Otherwise, it is determined by the Customer Ship Tos form.
- In the Taken By field, specify, for reference purposes only, the name of the person who entered this estimate into the system.
- In the Resource field, specify a resource or leave the field blank. If you specify a resource, the BOM Type field will display the bill of material type of the resource.
If the BOM Type is Item,
specify this information in the grid:
- Item
- Quantity/Cycle
- Price Basis
- Price Basis Amount
- Unit of Measure
- Status
- Due Date
- Ship Site
- Source Type
- To copy a BOM into the Operations and Materials grids, specify Category and Selection and click Copy. This button is disabled when you add a new record in the Item grid.
- As needed, click Estimation Worksheet to open the Estimation Worksheet form, where you can adjust cost and other factors in an effort to determine the best net price.
- As needed, click Reprice to recalculate the Unit Price.
- When you are satisfied with the estimate, save the record to display the item's Current BOM and create an estimate job.
- To copy the estimate to an order, click Convert Order to open the Copy Orders and Estimates form.
Related topics
- About the Molding Industry Pack
- Co-jobs Overview
- Estimate Co-job Orders
- Creating an Estimate Co-job
- Copying Orders and Estimates