About Alternate BOMs

You can use the Alternate ID field to specify a routing that can be used as an alternative to an item's current routing. The current routing must exist before you can create another alternate for an item, and you cannot create alternate BOMs for revision-tracked items.

An alternate BOM does not have current or standard costs. Therefore, it is not possible to roll current cost to standard cost.

Jobs using alternate BOMs appear as a cost variance.
Note: Alternate BOMs do not affect the capability to promise (CTP).

Specifying Alternate BOMs

You can specify alternate BOMs on the Engineering Workbench form. You can also specify alternate BOMs manually.

Using Utilities

Alternate BOMs can be processed with these utilities:

  • Delete BOM Components
  • Substitute Bill of Material Components
  • Change Cost Rates

Generating Reports

Alternate BOM information is printed on these reports:

  • Indented Costed BOM Report
  • Item BOM Where Used Report
  • Item Current Routing Report
  • Single Level Current BOM Report