Creating Tooling

  1. Open the Resources form.
  2. Create a new resource that represents a tool.
  3. On the Tooling tab, specify a BOM Type:
    • Item: Only one item and alternate BOM can be specified.
    • Co-job: Several items and alternate BOMs can be specified.
    • Co-product: Only one item and alternate BOM can be selected, which represents the primary item.
    Note:  Changing the BOM Type after tooling records have been created requires you to delete the existing tooling resource records on this form.
  4. In the grid, specify items, quantities per cycle, and alternate BOMs as needed.
  5. Below the grid, specify this required information:
    • Resource Quantity
    • Cycle Time
    • Labor Type
  6. You can also specify optional characteristics such as Default Work Center, Parent Resource, and resource dimensions.
  7. On the Machine tab, specify optional information about the tool. These fields are informational only, and are not used on other forms.
  8. On the Service tab, specify this information:
    • Maintenance ID
    • Schedule Frequency
    • Planned Service Cycle
    • Life Expected Cycle
  9. Save the record.