About Responsive Form Builder forms

The Responsive Form Builder is a set of wizards that you can use to create fully "responsive" forms of various types, based on predefined templates. Basic options include full-size and widget forms. You can access Responsive Form Builder wizards only by means of the Runtime Builder.

Note: To use the Responsive Form Builder, you must be authorized to create forms using the Runtime Builder feature.

"Responsive" forms are forms that can adapt their displays automatically for different types of devices, by adjusting their layouts and font sizes according to each device's screen size and orientation.

Whether you are creating full-size forms or smaller widget forms, the forms created by this set of wizards are all created as "FormOnly" types of forms in Mongoose. That is, they typically do not include standard toolbars or menu bars.

Each of the various types of forms you can create using the Responsive Form Builder is based on a different template. The wizards themselves help guide you through the selection and creation process.

Note: In most cases, when the wizard finishes, you will want or need to refine the form design layout and component displays, regardless of what form wizard you use to create your form.

To access this set of wizards, you must click the Runtime Builder icon on the toolbar, and then select Category = Form Builder and Runtime Builder = Responsive Form.

"FullForm" forms

"FullForm" forms are designed to be full-sized regular forms.

For detailed information about the "FullForm" options, see "FullForm" options.

Widget forms

Widget forms are designed to be smaller and to function within an Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le™ environment. Widgets are typically simple, designed with a single, focused purpose in mind.

For detailed information about the Widget form options, see Widget options.

Non-Data forms

"Non-Data" forms are essentially created as blank forms, to which you can add whatever fields and other components you might want. These forms are created without a binding to any particular IDO or other set of data. They are created with only a title bar/form name at the top and the capability for an optional menu.