Setting up stored procedure-based drilldowns - Output Columns tab
For critical number drilldowns that are based on stored
procedures, use the
Output Column tab of the
Drilldowns Setup form to specify how the output
columns are to be displayed:
- Sequence
- To determine the order in which the output columns display in the DataView, specify an integer value.
- Property Name
- This field displays the name of the property through which the stored procedure returns the value.
- Caption
- Specify the caption for this column when it displays in the drilldown DataView. Since this is based on a stored procedure and the column is named something like "CHAR01", a more descriptive or informative caption is needed. This is also how the linkage works between drilldowns and sub-drilldowns for filtering (using input parameters).
- Size
- Specify the width, in characters, of the column in the DataView.
- Save your work.
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