Runtime Behaviors user preferences options in the Windows client

Runtime Behaviors settings control how the system behaves.

This table shows the available Runtime Behaviors user preferences options in the Windows client:

Option Description/Comments/Procedures
Use Workstation Login To use your workstation user ID and workstation domain name to log into the system, select this option.

When selected, you are not prompted to specify a user ID and a password to log into the system. Instead, you are automatically logged in using preregistered login credentials. When this check box is cleared, you are prompted for a login ID and password every time you log in.

To use this option, your system administrator must register your workstation domain name and user ID in the Users > Workstation Domain/ID field.

This check box also appears on the Sign In dialog box. If you select the check box in the Sign In dialog box, then you do not have to provide a user name and password, but you can still select different configurations.

Note: If you are accessing your application through Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le, then we recommend that you do not change the workstation login credentials on the Users form or during sign-in.
Show Configuration Name on Caption To display the name of the system configuration, to which you are currently logged on, in the title bar of the application, select this option.
Prompt to Save Form Splitter Changes When this option is selected, a prompt to save your changes displays when you close a MultiView form in which changes have been made to the position of the splitter bar.

For example, in a MultiView form, you can move the splitter bar to enlarge the Grid View of the form. If this option is selected, then you can save the changes permanently, so that every time you open the form, the Grid View is right where you positioned it.

When you close the form, a prompt displays, asking whether you want to save the current splitter bar position. To save the form configuration, click Yes.

If this check box is cleared, you cannot save splitter bar position changes in Runtime Mode.

Prompt to Save Grid Changes When this option is selected, a prompt to save your changes displays when you close a MultiView form in which changes have been made to the Grid View.

For example, in a MultiView form, you can widen some columns and narrow other columns in the Grid View of the form. If this option is selected, then you can save the changes permanently, so that every time you open the form, the Grid View is just as you have it now.

When you close the form, a prompt displays, asking whether you want to save the current Grid View changes. To save your changes, click Yes.

If this check box is cleared, you cannot save Grid View changes in Runtime Mode.

Prompt to Save Flex Layout Changes When this option is selected, a prompt to save your changes displays when you close a form in which changes have been made to its FlexLayout attributes.
Note: Before you perform a change, you should revert any runtime changes. Failure to do so can cause confusing results and interfere with your changes. See the help topic, Reverting form changes made in runtime mode.
Prompt to Save DataView Layout Changes When this option is selected, prompt to save your changes displays when you close a form in which an updated DataView layout is in use, or if a DataView layout is switched to another layout.

DataView Layout changes include updates to:

  • Column order
  • Column visibility
  • Column size
  • Column filtering
  • Grouping
  • Summaries
  • Expression columns
  • Custom columns (Windows client only)

The prompt to save changes applies to all types of DataView Layouts except for DataSearch.

If you make changes to multiple DataView components in a form, then a separate prompt to save your changes appears for each component.

ENTER Key Behaves Like TAB To use the ENTER key to move between fields on a form, in the same way the TAB key works, select this option. To use only the TAB key to move between fields, clear this check box.

If you select this option, then you can use the ENTER key or the TAB key for most movement between fields and options on the form, with these exceptions:

  • In fields where you can enter several lines of text, pressing ENTER always starts a new line. To move to the next field, you must use the mouse or the TAB key.
  • If the focus is on a button, pressing ENTER executes the action represented by the button. To move to the next button or field without executing the action, you must use the mouse or the TAB key.
Include Grid Column Headers Copying to Clipboard If you select this option, whenever you copy data in a grid, the column headers are also copied to the clipboard. To copy only the data in the grid, and exclude column headers, clear this check box.
Unload IDO Metadata With Forms To clear the IDO metadata cache each time you unload global form objects in Design Mode, select this check box.

To unload global form objects, select Form > Definition > Unload All Global Form Objects.

In IDO or application event development, clearing the cache ensures that you see the results of the current, edited metadata.

Auto-delete All Unmodified New Rows When this option is not selected, any row that is automatically inserted in a grid, is also automatically deleted if you move away from the row without changing anything in it. However, if you create a row using a menu option, a toolbar option, or a keyboard shortcut, and you move away from the row, then the new row is not deleted and you are prompted to change the values in the row.

When this option is selected, newly added rows that are also unmodified are automatically deleted. For example, if you click the Add button to manually create a row, and then navigate away without changing anything, the newly added blank row is automatically deleted.

Optimize Script Execution This option optimizes form and global scripts so that they all run in one domain. This improves the loading and compiling time of scripts.

In most cases, this option must be selected. This option must be cleared only for developers and system administrators who are creating, maintaining, or debugging scripts. In a normal runtime environment, if you clear this option, detrimental effect on system performance can happen.

Display Captions in Most Recently Used forms list To display the form captions, instead of form names, in the Most Recently Used list, select this option.
Load/replace form with extended form To enable users to extend and replace an original (base) form, select this option. If this option is selected, when a request to open the base form is received, a new (extended) form, of a base form, opens.

This option is available only to users with Site Developer or Vendor Developer editing permissions.

Wildcard Character Specify a wildcard character. The wildcard character is used when you search for information with Filter-in-Place or query forms.

The default character is the asterisk (*).

SQL Characters to Pass Through In Filtering Specify a SQL character to pass through in filtering. The special character that you specify is escaped in SQL wildcard queries.

The underscore (_) and square brackets ([ ]) are special characters that you can use in a query with a SQL "LIKE" clause and a wildcard. For example, the underscore character in a wildcard context is treated as "any character" by SQL unless it is escaped. There are users who use these special characters with their built-in query capabilities while others use the characters like any other character in the query.

For example, if you specify the underscore character as a character to pass through and you perform a query for the value my_data*, then the SQL Server ESCAPE clause is applied to the underscore character in the query, and only instances that start with my_data are returned. If you do not specify the the underscore character in this field, the _ in the query represents represents "any character" and instances such as my3data are returned.

User Data Record Cap and User List Record Cap The term "cap" refers to the maximum number of records or items that the system can return at one time. There are two types of caps that you can set:
  • Data records
  • Drop-down list items
  • Instead of resetting the cap for collections, we recommend that you use the Get more rows in the current collection tool bar button.
  • These settings do not override any system-wide caps that might be in effect.

Both of these types of caps have the same three options:

  • Use Default: To use the system default cap setting, select this option. This is the default option.
  • Retrieve All: To retrieve all records or to display all items in a list, and override the system default setting, select this option.
    Note:  This option is not recommended for most operations, because the time it takes to retrieve all records or display all items on a list can be excessive and can slow the system down.
  • Use Specified Max: To set your own maximum cap, select this option. If you select this option, then you must also specify a value in the field next to it.

    For example, to return a list of 350 records at a time, under User Data Record Cap, select this option, and then specify 350.

    A -1 value indicates that the system default setting is used. If the Retrieve all option is selected, then this field displays 0.

    Unless the system administrator has set the Save record cap override process default, this setting is not saved when you sign out.

Language To set the language for the texts in field labels, button labels, menus, online help, and other parts of the user interface, select a language from the list, and then click Apply.
Note:  Only languages that are installed and are available on your system are listed. It can take a few minutes for the language to apply to the system.

Currently, the Mongoose help is available only in U.S. English.

Initial Command The value in this field indicates the default initial command that is run when a form is opened and the form has no explicitly defined initial command. This user default initial command is applied only if the standard operation corresponding to that initial command is enabled for the form.

You can select any of these options:

  • Add: To open the form in such a way that you are set to create a new record, select this option.
  • Filter: To open the form and its associated query form, if one exists, select this option.
  • FilterInPlace: To open the form in Filter-in-Place mode, select this option.
  • Refresh: To open the form and immediately return all records in the collection, up to the record cap, select this option.
Comparison Tool To locate and use comparison tool, click the ellipsis button.

Before you can use this option, you must install a file comparison tool.