About Explorer buttons

In some levels of the Explorer, there is not enough room to show all the available folders as buttons in the Buttons pane; some are minimized as icons at the bottom of the Buttons pane. When displaying a level, you can choose which buttons you want to see, and in what order. Click the down arrow in the bottom right corner of the Buttons pane to select from a menu:

  • Show More Buttons displays more buttons in the pane, and fewer buttons are minimized.
  • Show Fewer Buttons displays fewer buttons in the pane, and more buttons are minimized. This option provides more room for the Explorer tree pane.
  • Options displays a dialog box where you can choose which of the current level's folders to display as buttons. You can also use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to choose the order in which the buttons display.
  • Add or Remove Buttons displays a menu where you can choose which of the current level's folders to display as buttons.

For example, a customer service representative occasionally needs to look at some Accounts Receivable forms or the Items form, which is in Inventory Control. Use the Options described above to remove all of the role-level buttons except Accounts Receivable, Customer and Inventory Control. You can also rearrange the buttons so that the Customer Service button is the top button.

The hiding and rearranging options apply only to the current Explorer view. If you exit the application, or if you go back to the top level in the Explorer, the options are reset.