Deleting notes

To delete a reusable note, launch the System/User Notes form and delete the note from there. In the System/User Notes form, you cannot delete notes that are currently linked to records. You must detach the note in the Object Notes or Class Notes form before you delete the note in the System/User Notes form. You can use the Attach/Detach Reusable button to launch the System/User Notes form and unlink reusable notes from there.

When you delete notes on the Object Notes form, single-use notes are permanently deleted. Reusable notes on the Object Notes form and on the Class Notes form are only detached, and are still available in the System/User Notes form.

Attached files are not imported into the system. If you delete a note with an attached file, the file stays in its location.

Some application-specific forms use the modal Notes form, instead of the standard Notes form. Deleting notes in these forms is different from deleting them in the standard dialog boxes.

  1. Open a form and select a record in which you want to delete a note.
  2. Select one of these options:
    • To open the Object Notes form and delete a note, select Actions > Notes for Current.

      Alternatively, click the System Notes icon on the toolbar.

    • To open the Class Notes form and detach a note that is linked to all records in a collection, select Actions > Notes for All.
  3. Select the note and then click the Delete button on the toolbar.
  4. To permanently delete the note, click the Save button on the toolbar.
    Note: Reusable notes are only detached and are still available in the System/User Notes form.