About editable field types and colors
The foreground (font) and background colors of certain components can be used to indicate this information about the component:
- Whether values are required or optional
- Whether values can be updated or are read-only
- Whether values are automatically generated when the record is saved
The default colors for these fields are preset; however, your system administrator can change them by using themes.
These are the four basic types of fields that can be controlled in this way:
Type of field | Description/Comments |
Required | Indicates that
you must enter a value for a record before you can save the record. Note: A required field that is part of an optional subcollection
is required only if you create a record in the subcollection.
For example, when you add a new user on the Users form, you can optionally enter group information for the user, but it is not required. However, if you do create a group record, the Group Name and Primary Group fields on that record must be filled in. Optionally, the system can be set to use, in place of or in addition to a set of colors, a red asterisk in front of the field name. System administrators can set this using a theme. To change the colors for required fields, use the Required Foreground and Required Background color options, and the Required Field Indicator color option to change the required field indicator color in the Theme Editor. |
Optional | Indicates that the field does not require a value for the form
to be saved.
To change the colors for optional fields, use the Foreground and Background color options in the Theme Editor. |
Read-only | Indicates that the value in the field cannot be changed by
the end user.
To change the colors for read-only fields, change the Read-Only Foreground and Read-Only Background color settings in the Theme Editor. |
To Be Determined (TBD) | Indicates that the value will be generated by the system at
the time the record is saved, if no other value has been specified.
In this type of field, you have the option to enter your own value. If you do not enter a value, the system generates a value for the field automatically when you save the record. Optionally, the application can be set to use, in place of or in addition to a set of colors, a green asterisk in front of the field. System administrators can set this using a theme. To change the colors for TBD fields, change the TBD Foreground and TBD Background color settings in the Theme Editor. |
These types of components can be controlled using these settings:
- Check boxes
- Combo boxes
- Date pickers
- Drop-down lists
- Edit fields
- Grids and grid columns
- Option (radio) buttons
- Vertical grids and vertical grid elements