TaskMan debug mode messages

This table lists and describes the Infor Framework Taskman service debug mode messages:
Message Description
<SPname> After Call 
This message is generated when a stored procedure is called.
Active Task Set not open: <DatabaseInfo>. 
This message indicates that TaskMan is trying to clear database connections
Cannot find last slash. 
This message indicates that an error occurred while retrieving information about the home directory from which TaskMan was executing.
Close process connection completed for Task <n>. 
This is an information message only.
Closing database: 
This is an information message only.
Closing process connection for Task <n>. 
This is an information message only.
Decrement <taskname> 
This informational message indicates that TaskMan is decrementing the Running Tasks list when the task completes.
DELETE ActiveBGTasks where TaskNumber = <n>. 
This informational message indicates that the task has been deleted from the active tasks table.
Delete TaskInfo handle. 
This informational message indicates that TaskMan is cleaning up report (RPT) process handles.
Error retrieving TaskMan Module Name. 
TaskMan retrieves its module name in order to get its home directory. This message indicates that there was an error in retrieving the module name, so TaskMan cannot determine its home directory.
Increment <taskname> <tasknumber> 
Total requests <n> Queue size <size>. 
This message indicates that TaskMan is polling the table for active background tasks in the each configured application database.
No Intranet records found, using defaults. 
This message indicates that TaskMan is using the default values because it cannot find a matching Intranets record.
Opening Intranet record set. 
This is an information message only.
Pause to ensure SQL Server is completely up.
This information message indicates that TaskMan has paused to make sure that SQL Server has started before trying to access the databases.
site = <site> 
Intranet = <intranetname> 
String Table = <stringtable> 
URL = <URLpath> 
Format = <outputformat> 
ReportPath = <path> 
Email Notif = <emailnotification>. 
This message indicates that TaskMan successfully queried the Intranet table and retrieved the specified information.
Rpt task failed. 
This error message indicates that TaskMan failed while trying to run a report task.
ServiceMain starting. 
This is an information message only.
SQLCancel failed. Deleting TaskInfo handle. 
This error message indicates that the attempted SQL cancelation of the process and task was not successful.
SQLCancel of Task <tasknumber> completed. 
Return Code = <n>. 
This error message indicates that TaskMan canceled a stored procedure background task.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
An error occurred while waiting for the process to finish. 
Error return = <code> message = <message>. 
This error message indicates that a Windows error occurred.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Call to AddProcessErrorLogSp failed for user <userID>. 
Return code = <code>. 
This error message indicates that TaskMan tried and failed to add a task message to the Background Task History table.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Call to CloseSessionSp failed for task <taskname> user <userID>. 
Return code = <code>, Error message = <message>. 
This error message indicates that TaskMan cannot retrieve information from the Report Options table.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Call to GetTaskOptionsSp failed for task <taskname> user <userID>. 
Return code = <code>, Error message = <message>. 
This informational message indicates that TaskMan's attempt to call the GetTaskOptionsSp stored procedure failed.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Call to InitSessionContextSp failed for task <taskname> user <userId>. 
Return code = <code>, Error message = <message>. 
This informational message indicates that TaskMan's attempt to call the InitSessionContextSp stored procedure failed.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Calling AddProcessErrorLogSp. <commandline>. 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Calling sp.Call 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Can transact. 
This error message indicates that TaskMan cannot start a stored procedure background task.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Cannot transact. 
This error message indicates that TaskMan cannot start a transaction for a stored procedure task. The stored procedure is not executed.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
CloseSessionSp called with Input Parameter <sessionID>. 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Could not close session <sessionID>. 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Creating directory <directory>. Result = <code>. 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Database not open. Cannot enter Process Error: <message>. 
This error message indicates that TaskMan could not process a request because the database was not open.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
DELETE ActiveBGTasks where TaskNumber = <n>. 
This informational message indicates that the task has been deleted from the active tasks table.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Error <code> <message> when starting Command - 
This error message indicates that an error occurred when TaskMan started the specified command.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Error moving file <outputfile> to <new outputfile>. 
This error message indicates that TaskMan cannot copy the output file to the OutputFile folder.

To correct this problem, make sure that permissions are set up properly and the folder exists.

Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Exiting RunTask: Removing Task from List. 
This informational message indicates that the background task has finished running.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
GetTaskOptionsSp called with Input Parameters <taskname>, 
returned Output Parameters format = <output format>, 
printer = <printer name>, 
email = <email notification>, 
attach = <attach report>, 
email address = <email address>, 
Return code = <code>, 
Error message = <message>, 
String Table = <string table>.
This informational message indicates that TaskMan is retrieving specific information about the runtime user requesting this report background task.
Note: This information is retrieve from the Report Options form and the Intranets form.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
InitSessionContextSp called with Input Parameter <taskname>, 
returned Output Parameter <sessionID>, 
Return code = <code>. 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
InitSessionContextSp failed. Could not call SP. 
This informational message indicates that TaskMan was unable to call the InitSessionContextSp stored procedure.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
No attachment sent: either the report was sent to the printer, 
the Task Type was not RPT, or the report didn't complete successfully. 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Opening user names failed. 
This informational message indicates that TaskMan encountered a problem attempting to open the UserNames database table.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Password decrypted. 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Profile Values -- 
String Table: <stringtable>, 
String ID: <stringID>, 
Email: <email address>, 
Number of copies: <n>, 
Printer: <printer name>. 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Return = <code> WaitForSingleObject return = <code>. 
This information message is generated immediately after a background task has ended.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Running: <stored procedure>.
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Running Report: <RunReport.exe command line>.
This informational message is for the command line that TaskMan executes to run a report.

For debugging purposes, you can paste this command line into a batch file and execute it:

RunReport.exe <CommandLine>
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Setting Connection Timeout <n> and opening a connection for this task. 
This informational message indicates that TaskMan has opened a connection for a background task. That task is used to update the Task History table and to delete entries from the Active Task table in the application database.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Setting Process Timeout <n>. 
This is an information message only.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Stored Procedure call GetSQLServerLoginSp failed with return code <code> 
and error message <message>. 
This error message indicates that TaskMan cannot get the SQL login information needed to process the task.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Successful termination of Task. Performing commit. 
This informational message indicates that a stored procedure background task has completed successfully and can be committed.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Unable to access <documentFilePath>. 
This informational messages indicates that TaskMan could not access an RTF file using the specified path.

To correct this problem, verify that the file and path exist and that permissions allow TaskMan access to it.

Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
UPDATE ActiveBGTasks SET TaskStatusCode = 'RUNNING' where TaskNumber = <n>.
This informational message indicates that, as TaskMan selects a background task to run, it is to change its status to RUNNING.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
UPDATE BGTaskHistory SET CompletionDate = <date>, 
CompletionStatus = <status>, 
TaskErrorMsg = '<message>' where TaskNumber = <n>. 
This informational message indicates that, when TaskMan completes a background task, it is to update the BGTaskHistory table with the appropriate information.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
UPDATE BGTaskHistory SET ProcessId = <pid> 
WHERE TaskNumber = <n>. 
This informational message indicates that TaskMan is to update the process ID (pid) for a background task in the BGTaskHistory table.
Note: You can use the process ID to trace the status of a background task in the Windows Task Manager. This ID also displays in the Background Task History form.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
UserNames.Username = '<userID>'.
This informational message indicates the user ID of the individual requesting the current background task.
Task <tasknumber> <taskname>. 
Usernames.Username = <userID> 
Groupname = <groupname>.
This informational message indicates the user ID and group name of the individual requesting the current background task.
Taskman Error: TaskCounter is not keeping accurate count of Running Tasks. 
This error message indicates that the number of running tasks in the system does not match the task counter value.
Taskman home directory: <homedirectory>. 
This is an information message only.
TaskMan Stopping: Clearing database connections. 
This is an information message only.
The maximum number of concurrently running tasks is <n>. 
This is an information message only.
<dsn> UID <userID> PWD **** 
String Table=<stringtable> 
Process Timeout=<n> 
Connection Timeout=<n> 
Max Num Tasks=<n>. 
This is an information message only.
UPDATE BGTaskHistory 
SET CompletionDate = <date>, 
CompletionStatus = <status>, 
TaskErrorMsg = '<message>' where TaskNumber = <n>. 
This is an information message only.