Registering media types

On the Document Types form or the Application Event System forms, the Media Type field is used to specify the default media type for a document type. Media types include file types such as graphics, text, audio, and so on.

To register a media type:

  1. On the Media Type form, click Filter In Place.
  2. Click Create a new object in the current collection.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select this check box to add this media type on the list of available media types to be used for document attachments.
    Allow Upload
    Select this check box to allow this media type to be uploaded into the Mongoose application.

    During the upload process, the file is checked based on the list of allowed file extensions and MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) types.

    File Extension
    Specify the file extension to be used as default for the documents.

    This value controls what application is used to present the document to the user. For example, if the default file type for attachments is an Excel spreadsheet, specify xls.

    Media Type
    Specify name of the Internet media type or MIME type to be used for document attachments.

    This value suggests how to present the document to the user or when the document is displayed or opened. For example, image/jpeg or application/pdf.

    BLOB Format
    Optionally, specify the BLOB format that is associated with the file extension.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Optionally, click Refresh Cache to reload the media types.