How it works

When an _all table is stored at a master site, the “using” sites:

  • Do not have an actual _all table in their databases
  • Use (read, maintain, etc.) the master site’s _all table through views
  • Have no replication trigger source generated for that _all table

The master site for an _all table has no replication trigger source generated for that _all table to the other sites in its Intranet.


You have three sites in the East intranet (A, B, and C), and another site (D) in the West intranet. Site A is the master site in the East intranet for the shared item_mst_all table. No other tables are shared in the East intranet. Data in the prodcode_mst_all table is replicated between all four sites. Site D requires replication between its item_mst_all data and the item_mst_all data from all sites in the East intranet.

item_mst_all: Sites B and C have views into Site A’s item_mst_all table. No replication triggers are set up for the item_mst_all table between A, B, or C. However:

  • Site A has replication triggers to replicate the item_mst_all table to site D.
  • Site D has replication triggers to replicate the item_mst_all table to site A (the master site of the East intranet, which holds all the item_mst_all data for the intranet).

Prodcode_all: Replication triggers for prodcode_mst_all data are set up between each of the sites:

  • Site A has replication triggers to replicate the prodcode_mst_all table to sites B, C, and D.
  • Site B has replication triggers to replicate the prodcode_mst_all table to sites A, C, and D.
  • Site C has replication triggers to replicate the prodcode_mst_all table to sites A, B, and D.
  • Site D has replication triggers to replicate the prodcode_mst_all table to sites A, B, and C.