Site Group/Multi-Site Group

For reports and utilities, enter or select a multi-site group from the drop-down list, or use the default if available. Records from all sites in this group will then be available to the report or utility. To limit records to the current site only, leave this field blank (or, if the field is required, select a site group that contains only the current site).

On the General Parameters, Accounts Payable Parameters, Accounts Receivable Parameters, and Users forms, use this field to set default Site Group values in certain reports and utilities. For more information about where these defaults are used, refer to the "About Multi-Site Groups" help topic. If your system is single-site, just select the current site.

When you specify a Multi-Site Group for a user on the Users form, be aware that, if the user_local_mst table is not shared in the Intranet Shared User Tables form, you must update the Multi-Site Group field at each site where the user record exists, even for sites in the same database.

On the Purge Transfer Orders form, when purging transfer orders that cross sites, the transfer order is deleted in both the To Site and From Site databases.