Synchronizing the Mongoose Explorer

You can synchronize the Mongoose Explorer independently of forms and global objects. The settings and specifications for synchronization of the Explorer are made on the Synchronization Options page, using the Explorer tab.

Before synchronizing, make sure you back up the forms database in the Target configuration and confirm your database and server settings.

To synchronize the Explorer, use this procedure:

  1. Launch FormSync and make the basic settings common to all synchronization operations.
  2. On the Explorer tab, select the options you want:
    To have the Explorer be updated during syncnronization, select this option.
    Note: Clearing this option causes the Explorer to not be processed. You would do this, for instance, if you are synchronizing only forms or only forms and global objects.
    Keep customizations
    Optionally, to preserve any customizations you might have made to your current installation of the Explorer, select this option.
    Note: Clearing this option causes any customizations you have made to the Explorer to be removed during synchronization.
    Verify Explorer links to forms
    Optionally, to instruct FormSync to verify that links to forms in the Explorer are valid, select this option.
    Note: Clearing this option causes FormSync to synchronize the Explorer and your customizations without regard to the validity of links to forms.
  3. Make whatever settings you need to make on the Forms tab and the Global Objects tab, according to whether or not you want to synchronize those objects as well.
  4. (Stand-alone version only) Click OK.
  5. Click Synchronize.
FormSync processes the forms according to your specifications. If you are using the stand-alone utility, you have the opportunity to roll back the changes. The form version does not offer this option.