Exporting forms metadata
When working in a partial trust situation (such as a cloud installation) or with the web client, you are restricted from accessing databases directly. In cases like this, you can export forms metadata using XML files and then import them onto a target system. This kind of situation requires the use of both the FormSync Export utility and the Import utility.
To export forms metadata using the FormSync Export utility, use this procedure:
FormSync exports the specified forms metadata to the
designated location as an XML form.
To view the output file, the required action depends on where you generated the XML file:
- In the form version, using a web client, the form typically allows you to view it using the designated system app for viewing XML files as soon as the export is complete.
- In the form version (using a Windows client), locate and open the file at the designated save location.
- In the stand-alone version, click the folder button to the right of the ellipsis button.