Master site – Sharing product codes
A company has 30 sites on one intranet, including MI and OH. OH has been designated as the master site for the intranet. The system administrator has set up the Intranet Shared Tables form so that the _all tables associated with the Inventory/Transfers category are shared. One of these shared tables is prodcode_mst_all.
A user at MI creates and saves a new product code record. (Although the MI site database is set up with a prodcode_mst_all view instead of a table, users still have the same record creation and deletion abilities they would have if the table was local.) Since the prodcode_mst_all table is a view (in MI) to the prodcode_mst_all table (in OH), the trigger on the prodcode_mst table (in MI) copies data to the prodcode_mst_all table (in OH), via the prodcode_mst_all view (in MI).
The shared information for the new product code is then available at all sites on the intranet. No replication of product codes occurs in this scenario.