Setting up purge triggers from a command line

You can use ConfigManager.exe from a Command Line Interface (CLI) to create and execute purge triggers.
Note: This operation, performed from a CLI, is intended primarily for system administrators working with customers in a cloud environment. Customers working in an on-premises installation environment can use the Configuration Manager utility to accomplish the same ends.

Resetting all purge triggers

Use this command line syntax as a string, for example:

ConfigManager.exe -U:SCM -service:SEPT -config:Test -action:reset


  • -service is SEPT or SETEVENTPURGETRIGGERS as service name.
  • -config is the configuration name.
  • -action is reset to reset the values and reset the trigger as inactive with default values.

Setting purge triggers

Use this command line syntax as a string, for example:

ConfigManager.exe -U:SCM -service:SEPT -config:Test -purgeeventdata:true -purgeintervaleventdata:24 -purgedaysoldevetdata:30


  • -service is SEPT or SETEVENTPURGETRIGGERS as service name.
  • -config is the configuration name.
  • -purgeeventdata is a flag to enable or disable the purging of event data and is specified as true or false.
  • -purgeintervaleventdata is the interval between purge events and is specified as integer value in hours.
  • -purgedaysoldeventdata is the age of the event data to be purged and is specified as integer value in days.

Setting up the time of adding, updating, or deleting event configuration

Use this command line syntax as a string, for example:

ConfigManager.exe -U:SCM -service:EVENT -mode:new -config:Test -sleep:10 -maxthreds:5 -purgeeventdata:true -purgeintervaleventdata:24 -purgedaysoldevetdata:30


  • -service is the service name.
  • -mode is an action and is specified as new, edit, or delete.
  • -config is the configuration name.
  • -sleep is an optional flag and is the amount of time the Event Service is to wait—after seeing nothing in the queue (that is not already being worked on) or upon spawning its last allowed thread—before checking the queue again.
  • -maxthreads is an optional flag and is the maximum number of requests that can be taken from the queue and worked on simultaneously.
  • -purgeeventdata is a flag to enable or disable the purging of event data and is specified as true or false.
  • -purgeintervaleventdata is the interval between purge events and is specified as integer value in hours.
  • -purgedaysoldeventdata is the age of the event data to be purged and is specified as integer value in days.