
This topic describes the options and limitations available when using a Label component.

The Label component in App Builder is comparable to the Static component in Mongoose. It is typically used for text that is not intended to change: headers, titles, captions, and so on.

Content settings

These settings specify the text that is to display as the label.
These settings specify what text is to display as a "tooltip"; that is, a bit of text that appears when a user hovers over the label text.


Trigger Event
The Label component can trigger the On Load event. This event might display as:
  • Data Service has run (On Load), where Data Service is the name of a data service assigned to the component
  • On Load (No Data Service), where no data service has been assigned to the component
Target Action
Depending on the target, the Label component can perform a Get operation or a Run operation on the target component.

Style settings

Note: These settings do not allow you to select a particular font family or alternate sizes/weights/colors for the font display (other than the specific sizes/weights/colors provided).

These settings have these options:

Font Style
These options basically control the size and, in some cases, the weight of the label text. Where a size is specified, the size is provided in pixels (not points).
Font Characteristic
These options control aspects, other than size, of how the label displays, such as the font weight and any decorative elements (such as underlining). In most cases, these options also determine the font color. The exceptions to this rule are Default, Emphasis, and Strong.
Note: These settings do not control how the label actually behaves, only the appearance. For example, formatting the label text as Link does not actually make the text a hyperlink.
This setting allows you, within limits, to select the color for the lable text.
Note: If you have the Font Characteristic set to anything other than Default, Emphasis, or Strong, this setting has no effect.