Masking options

The App Builder TextBox component allows for various masking options to be applied to the text. This topic lists and describes the other masking options that are available.

Types of masks

To define a mask for the text display, first select the Type of mask you want to apply. Most of the types, then, allow you to refine the mask definition, using the Masking Options dialog box. This dialog box is accessed by clicking the Mask Options icon to the right of the Type drop-down field. The options in the Masking Options dialog box vary according to the Type you select, from these types:

Type Description/Comments
None (Default) This choice does not apply any masking to the text.
Number This choice allows only the display of numeric values. The Masking Options dialog box includes these options:
  • Allow Negative - When selected, this option allows the display of negative numerals. When cleared, this option allows only non-negative numerals. If allowed, the negative (minus) sign does not count against the Integer Limit.
  • Allow Thousands Separator - When selected, this option displays a comma separator between each set of three integer digits (thousands, millions, billions, and so on). When cleared, this option does not display any separators.
  • Integer Limit - Use this field to specify the maximum possible number of integer digits, that is, numerals that can display to the left of the decimal point.
    Note: If you use a prefix, the prefix characters count against this limit.
  • Decimal Limit - Use this field to specify the maximum possible number of decimal places, that is, numerals that can display to the right of the decimal point.
  • Prefix - Use this field to specify a prefix to be displayed at the beginning of each value displayed. You can use any non-numeric characters.
    Note: If you specify a prefix, the number of characters in the prefix counts against the Integer Limit. This means, for example, that if you have an Integer Limit of 10 and you specify a 3-digit prefix, then the de facto limit on integer digits is 7.
Password This choice causes any text in the field to display instead as "bullet" characters (•), thus hiding the actual password.
Date/Time This choice allows you to set up and use patterns ("templates") for date/time inputs. In the Masking Options dialog box, you can either select a predefined Format from the drop-down list, or you can create a Custom Format in the field provided.

When setting up a format, you can use these characters as placeholders for input:

Displays the number of the month, in 2-digit format; for example, “08” (for August).
Displays the abbreviated name of the month; for example, “Aug”.
Displays the full name of the month; for example, “August”.
Displays the day/date padded with zeroes.
Displays the day/date unpadded.
Displays the year using a 4-digit format. You should always use this format for the year.
Accepts input for the year using a 2-digit format, but if used, this is converted to the 4-digit format.
Displays the hour using a 12-hour format, with padding.
Displays the hour using a 12-hour format, without padding.
Displays the hour using a 24-hour format, with padding.
Displays the hour using a 24-hour format, without padding.
Displays the AM/PM part of the time with the 12-hour format.
Displays the minute digits.
Displays the seconds digits.
Displays the milliseconds digits.
Displays the time zone name in short form, for example, “EST”, using the language of the current locale.
Displays the time zone name in long form; for example, “Eastern Standard Time”, using the language of the current locale.

You can use hyphens (-), forward slashes (/), and colons (:) as separators.

String This choice allows you to create a masking pattern of your own design. You can allow for predefined characters to be used, as well as places for user input.

The Masking Options dialog box provides a single field in which you create your masking pattern. When setting up your mask, you have these format characters to work with:

This format character allows the input of any numeric character, 0-9.
x (lower case)
This format character allows the input of any alphabetic character, either upper case or lower case.
* (asterisk)
This format character allows the input of any alphanumeric character (all numerals and all upper case and lower case letters).
This format character is used to represent the first character of a time period (AM or PM). It can be replaced by a, A, p, or P.
This format character is used to represent the second character of the time period (AM or PM). This character can be replaced either by m or M.