This topic describes the options and limitations available when using a Lookup component.
Content settings
- Columns
- When Edit Lookup
Datagrid Column dialog box. This dialog box provides several choices, based
on whatever data service the Lookup component is associated with.
If there are more choices than will fit on the page, the user can access/view additional records using the paging controls at the bottom of the grid. Using the Records per page drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog box, you can specify how many records are to display on each page.
When the user selects a record in the list, that record's value is returned to the Lookup field as the dialog box closes (assuming you have set the component to display a Dialog Output Value).
at the
right side of the component is clicked, App Builder launches the
- Label
- These settings specify what text is to display as the label for the
component, if a label is displayed. Note: The option to display or not display the label is on the Style tab.
- Text
- These optional settings specify what text displays in the Lookup component field when the app launches. You can use this value to prompt the user.
- Dialog Output Value
- This setting specifies what value is to display in the Lookup component field when the user selects an item from the list in the dialog box.
- Trigger Event
- The Lookup component can trigger only the event. This event is triggered when the user clicks the magnifying glass icon in the Lookup component.
- Target Action
- Depending on the target, the Lookup component can perform a Get operation, a Run operation, or a Clear operation on the target component.
Style settings
- Style
- These settings include these options:
This setting determines whether a label is to display with the component.
When this option is selected, the component is disabled and read-only.
To disable the component conditionally, click the lock icon next to this check box.