Specifying Mexican SAT Tax Parameters

To specify Mexican SAT tax parameters:

  1. In the Logical File Folders form, create a logical folder called DIOTFile to hold the generated files, if the folder does not yet exist. Set the authorization group for the folder to MX Loc.
    See the help about Configuring Logical Folders, and the List of Logical Folders to Define.
  2. Open the Mexican SAT Parameters form.
  3. Specify this information:
    Country Code SAT
    Specify the country code.
    Global vendor percent
    Specify the maximum percentage of total payments that can be made to a global vendor in a period.
    Limit days to let reconciled
    Specify the maximum number of days after the payment date that a transaction can still be reconciled.
    Reconciliation required
    Select to use the reconciliation date for payments. Clear to use the check issue date.
    DIOT File Logical Folder
    Specify the logical folder to use for SAT portal file processes. You must have the appropriate authorization to access the folder, in order to specify or change the folder name here. You can also click the Files button to open a form where you can view, upload, download or delete files from the logical folder.
    Global Vendor Max Amt
    Specify the maximum payment amount that can be made to a global vendor in a period.
    AP VAT Transfer Journal
    Select a user journal in which to log accounts payable VAT transferred transactions.
    AR VAT Transfer Journal
    Select a user journal in which to log accounts receivable VAT transferred transactions.
    Certificate Provider Tax ID
    Specify the RFC of the certification provider of the digital fiscal receipt that generates the digital fiscal stamp.
    Electronic Invoice Verification URL
    Specify the URL to access the service that displays the public version of the receipt data.
  4. Click Save.