About system users with special licensing

These users are special cases:

  • The 'sa' user: The 'sa' user does not require licensing. By default, this user has the ability to open any form and run any process in the site. The 'sa' user should be reserved for system administration tasks and should not be used to run multi-site processes.

    Only one instance of the 'sa' user can be logged in at any time, even under a concurrent license or a usage-tracking license. With a usage-tracking license, form and IDO consumption is not tracked for the 'sa' user.

    Do not assign any license modules to this user.

  • Infor ION: ION uses a direct connection to the application when retrieving BODs, so no license token is required.
  • Infor Framework services: Framework services such as the Replicator use '$service' sessions to connect to the application. The '$service' session does not consume a license.