License modules and Infor Ming.le security roles

When the SyteLine application is installed in Infor Ming.le, the license modules are included in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le as security roles that begin with "CSI-License-" for example, CSI-License-TaxInterface. The license module names are mapped to the security role names in the External Role Alias form.

When you assign a license to a user in the SyteLine User Modules form, a Process.SecurityUserMaster BOD is sent, and the matching security role is assigned to the user in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le.

Alternatively, if you assign one of the CSI-License-xxxx security roles to a user in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le, a Sync.SecurityUserMaster BOD is sent to SyteLine, and the matching license module is assigned to the user there.

For more information about these BODs and how the license/role assignment works in both applications, see the appendix on "User and role BOD usage" in the SyteLine Configuration Guide for Infor OS (for on-premises environments), or the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Configuration Guide.