Licensing in a multi-site environment

In a multi-site environment with multiple sites in one database, one license document applies to all sites, and named versus concurrent limits are enforced across all sites.

In an intranet licensed environment or a multiple sites per database environment, if a named license user is logged into one site, the user can log into additional sites without having to relinquish the existing session. However, the user cannot have multiple login instances in the same site; the user must relinquish the current session to start another one.

In a multi-site environment with one site per database, if intranet licensing is not used, each site has its own license document and keeps track of its own tokens. Each site has no knowledge of any logins on any other site. If a user is defined in multiple sites and is logged into more than one site, whether concurrent or named, that user uses a license token for each of those logins in each site.

For one site, all the licenses must be specified as either named or concurrent. You cannot mix types.