Filling out the license worksheet

Make a copy of these tables and fill in the appropriate information for each license key you are requesting. You must request one license key per database server. 

Specify the number of each type of user license in this table:

User Licenses Specify the number of each type of license you want Notes
APS Transaction User AdvancePlanningScheduling
Additional Automation Automation
Configuration Configuration
Country Pack China ChinaCountryPack
Country Pack Germany GermanyCountryPack
Country Pack Japan JapanCountryPack
Country Pack Mexico MexicanCountryPack
Country Pack Thailand ThailandCountryPack
Credit Card Interface CreditCardInterface
CRM Multi Site CRM_MS
Developer User Developer
Entity Users Entity
Forecasting See BTA documentation
Inquiry Users Inquiry
Global EPI GlobalEPI
Mobile Mobile
Mobile Disconnected MobileDisconnected
Mobile Disconnected Multi Site MobileDisconnected_MS
Mobile Multi Site Mobile_MS
Office Integration OfficeIntegration. User count should equal the total of Transaction + CRM users
Plant Maintenance AssetManagement
Plant Maintenance Multi Site AssetManagement_MS
Portals Portals
Portals Multi Site Portals_MS
Quality Control Solution (QCS) QualityControlSolution
Service ServiceManagement
Service Multi Site ServiceManagement_MS
Service Data Collection ServiceManagementLite
SytePlan See BTA documentation
SytePlan See BTA documentation
Transaction Users Transactional
Transaction Users Multi Site Transactional_MS

In an on-premises environment, specify additional environment information in this table:

Environment information Your answer Notes
Host Name Specify the application database name to which this license will be applied. This is case-sensitive and must exactly match your database name.
Server Name Specify the SQL Server instance ID. This is case-sensitive and must exactly match your server ID.
Additional information Your notes Description
To request license modules that are not displayed on the request form, add a note specifying the license modules that you want to include and the number of users. Specify multi-site here if you want to include a matching number of multi-site licenses for each module that has a multi-site option. For example, if you specify 50 users for Transactional, you will also get 50 users for Transactional_MS.

If you only want multi-site users for a certain module, or if you want a different number of multi-site users than regular users for a module, specify that information here.

Note: Multi-site licenses can only be assigned to named users.

Specify configuration here if you want to include a CPQ Configurator license.