Licensing and enabling optional modules

The optional modules that are listed in the SyteLine Explorer are installed automatically with SyteLine. However, each module must be licensed and enabled before it can be used in a site.

Forms that are part of an optional module (that is, forms that are not included in base SyteLine) can only be opened by a user when both of these cases are true:

  • The license module has been applied to the database.
  • The current user is licensed for the module.

Sometimes buttons or fields that are related to a module are displayed on base SyteLine forms, or back-end SyteLine logic is related to a module. For example, the Pay with Credit Card button on the Customer Orders form is used only with the Credit Card Interface module. These base SyteLine features of the module are handled on a site-by-site basis; you can enable them for one site in a database but not for other sites in the same database.

Use the Optional Modules form to enable the features for a specific optional module at a specific SyteLine site:

  • When a module is shown as Disabled on this form for a site, fields and buttons related to that module are not displayed (in some cases) or are displayed but not enabled (in other cases) when any user is logged into that site. In addition, none of the back-end business logic related to that module is executed for the site.

    If a module is licensed for a database, but disabled for a particular site in that database, the site administrator should ensure that authorizations are set so that users cannot access forms which are part of the optional module.

  • When a module is shown as Enabled on this form, any fields or buttons related to that module are displayed on base SyteLine forms, and back-end business logic related to that module is executed. However, fields or buttons are enabled only for users who are assigned the appropriate license. Thus, in our example, the Pay with Credit Card button is enabled only when all of these are true for the CreditCardInterface license module:
    • The license module has been applied to the database.
    • On the Optional Modules form, the license module is enabled for the site.
    • The current user is licensed for the module.