Licensing custom forms and IDOs

If you add custom forms, copy or extend existing forms, create new IDOs, or extend existing IDOs, the forms and IDOs are licensed using this information in the license document and the ModuleMembers table:
  • New customer-created IDOs that do not extend other IDOs are automatically assigned to the CustomerIDOs internal module member and associated with the Automation license module.
  • Imported or extended IDOs are automatically assigned to the CopiedExtendedIDOs internal module member and associated with the license module(s) of the base IDO which it extends. If the base IDO belongs to more than one license module, then a CopiedExtendedIDOs ModuleMember record will be created for each license module to which the base IDO belongs.
  • New custom forms are automatically assigned to the CustomerForms internal module member and associated with the Transactional, Transactional_MS Mobile, and Mobile_MS license documents.
  • Copied forms, which belong to the CopiedForms internal module member, inherit the license module assignments of the source form from which they were copied. Thus, if you copied the CustomerOrders form to some new name (and changed it for your purposes), it would belong to all the same license modules the original CustomerOrders form belonged to.
  • A new form that extends an existing form is automatically assigned to the license modules to which the existing form belonged.

Be aware that, if you have multiple application databases pointing to the same forms database, you must copy the form licensing information to each application database, using FormSync.