Job Exception Report

This report displays jobs and co-product jobs with costs outside a specified tolerance level. The summary display shows one line per job that is outside of tolerance. The detail display shows the labor and overhead of each operation and the cost of each material.

An exception message prints after each line that is an exception. You can run this report in both a summary and detail format.

  • Summary format displays the total actual cost, total planned cost, and variance for each job where the actual cost varies from the planned cost by more than the entered tolerance factor.
  • Detail format lists jobs based on the total variance of actual to planned costs. In addition, it lists each operation and material for the job. It displays the planned and actual setup hours, setup cost, run hours, run cost, and overhead cost for each operation. For any category in which the actual cost varies from the planned cost by more than the tolerance factor, the report displays an exception message. The detail version of the report also displays the planned and actual quantity and cost for each material of the job, including exception messages. Finally, the report displays the total planned and actual costs by operation.

In the Display Job Tolerance field, select a valid display job tolerance option. Valid options are:

  • Over: Displays only jobs that are over cost.
  • Under: Displays only jobs that are under cost.
  • Both: Displays all jobs outside the tolerance.

In the Tolerance Factor field, enter the tolerance factor. Only jobs with a total cost outside this tolerance will display on the report.