Copy Routing BOM

Use this form to copy a routing and bill of material.

You can select the source and target of the copy from:

  • The current bill of material
  • Estimate jobs
  • Jobs
  • Actual jobs
  • Production schedules

You can then edit the new copy of the routing and bill of material as necessary.

  • If the source current routing/BOM contains alternate materials, they can be copied to the destination routing/BOM, depending on certain conditions. MRP does not consider alternate materials; only APS uses them.
  • When you copy materials to a job, if the target job (or estimate job) displayed in the To section of the form is a rework order (as indicated by the Rework field), you can copy a material to the job that is the same as the job's end item. This recursive BOM structure is allowed only for rework orders.
  • You cannot copy a job structure to a new job if the job BOM contains a sub-job that is a rework order.
  • You cannot copy materials from a rework order to a current BOM.
  • The settings for the Preassign Lots and Preassign Serials check boxes on the original job are copied to the new job; however, any preassigned lot or serial numbers are not copied and must be generated for the new job.