Exceptions Report

Print this report after running MRP or APS Planning to view the list of all exceptions. This report contains pegging and the Items form information that helps you respond to exception messages.

This report prints in either a detail or summary format. You can include only those items that have exception messages, or you can further narrow the results by setting an exception priority level.

See About Exception Messages for a list of the exception messages and their meanings.

Note:  Each co-product item in a co-product job displays as an outstanding receipt with the same job number. By-products display as negative requirements.

To maintain the Planning Horizon Calendar:

  • Use the Planning Parameters form to set up the number of periods (buckets) to display on the report. Each line of the report can contain up to 7 buckets. (Example: If the number of defined periods is between eight and 14, the report prints two lines for each entry.)
  • The number of periods in the Planning Horizon Calendar must not be less than the number of periods to display on the report; otherwise, an error message displays and you cannot run the report. To correct the problem, either enter more periods in the Planning Horizon Calendar, or reduce the number of periods to display on the report as determined on the Planning Parameters form.