Planning Detail

Use this form to view individual transactions created after you run APS Planning, MRP Planning, or the MPS Processor. This form indicates the day you need each requirement, rather than listing requirements by period, as in the Planning Summary form, or by item as in the Planning Detail APS form. This form also allows you to verify planned orders prior to firming them.

This form is most useful in the grid view. The display is grouped to show all planning records related to a given item. The first record represents the item's balance on-hand. The following records represent jobs, sub-jobs, orders, etc. for that item. Some records include an exception message that alerts you to action to take to deal with any shortages or lateness.

  • Each co-product item in a co-product job displays as an outstanding receipt with the same job number. By-products display as negative requirements.
  • The display does not consider production schedules with status Planned.
  • The display does not show any inventory transactions related to inventory stored at warehouses in which the Dedicated Inventory field is selected.

The Actions menu includes these options:

  • Go to Supply Usage: Opens the Supply Usage APS form and displays the supply record related to the selected demand record. This option is available only when the planning mode is APS.
  • Go to Inventory Level: Opens the Inventory Level form and displays a graph of the on-hand and safety stock levels of the selected item over a specified period of time.
  • Go to Demand Detail: Opens the Demand Detail Chart APS form and displays a graphical representation of how the system uses supplies, on-hand inventory, and resource capacity to satisfy the selected demand at each level of the BOM. This option is available only when the planning mode is APS.
  • Go to Planning Detail APS: Opens the Planning Detail APS form.