
The yield amount displays as a percentage. Yield is the percentage of pieces that arrive at an operation that are expected to be successfully completed at that operation.

  • For current routings, the yield, at each operation, is used to calculate the item's total shrink factor.
  • For jobs and production schedules, the yield is used to calculate the value of the Expected field.
  • For items, the system used the yield percentages for each operation to update the item's shrink factor.
Note: If you enter yield percentages for the operations, the shrink factor is adjusted accordingly.  However, if you adjust the shrink factor, rather than adjust the yield of each operation, the system instead adjusts the yield of the final operation.
  • On planning forms, the job's outstanding quantity also takes operation yield into consideration, for consistency.

For example, for an item routing with two operations:

Operation 10: Yield 80%

Operation 20: Yield 50%

The total yield is calculated using this formula: (10 yield/100) * (20 yield/100), or (80/100) * (50/100) = 0.4

The item's shrink factor is then adjusted using this formula: 1 - (total yield), or 1 - 0.4 = 0.6