Run Duration

This field applies to APS and the Scheduler.

This field displays the processing time (adjusted for efficiency) for the operation that APS and the Scheduler will use to plan or schedule the resources for this operation. The system divides the Machine Hours Per Piece or Labor Hours Per Piece value by the number of resources from the Schedule Driver resource group type, multiplies the value by (100 / Efficiency), and places the result in the Run Duration field.

See About Operation Run Time - Planning and Scheduling for more information.

This shows how this field may be calculated depending on the operation's Schedule Driver (in both examples, assume Efficiency is 100%):

Resource Group Res. Grp. Type Qty Resources Hours per Piece
WorkersA Labor 2 1 labor hour
Drill Machine 1 2 mach hours
FixtureA Other 1 2 mach hours (uses the machine resource group's hours)
  • Duration if Sched. Driver=Labor is 0.5 hours (1 lbr hr / 2 lbr resources = 0.5 hours).
  • Duration if Sched. Driver=Machine is 2 hours (2 mach hrs / 1 mach resource = 2 hours).

The Run Duration value is applied to all required resources.