Job Release Rule

This field applies to the Scheduler only.

In your environment, multiple jobs may have the same start date and time. The Job Release Rule field allows you to control the sequence in which the Scheduler releases these simultaneous jobs. Select the appropriate rule from the list. For example, the default Low Priority rule specifies that the jobs with the lower priority values will be released first.

  • High Priority: Jobs with the highest priority value.
  • Low Priority (default): Jobs with the lowest priority value.
  • Earliest Due Date: Jobs with the earliest due date.
  • Fewest Number of Operations: Jobs with the fewest operations.
  • Least Estimated Run Time: Jobs with the smallest total of setup, run, and move time.
  • Least Time Remaining to Due Date: Jobs with the smallest remaining time until the due date.
  • Least Avg. Time Remaining to Due Date/Operation: Jobs with the least average slack per operations (remaining time until the due date / number of operations).
  • Least Avg. Time Remaining to Due Date/Run Time: Jobs with the least average slack per processing time (remaining time until the due date / processing time).
  • Smallest Order Size: Jobs with the smallest quantities.
  • Largest Order Size: Jobs with the largest quantities.
  • (Job Release Rule 10-39) User-defined rules.

    See Writing a Custom Scheduler Rule for more information about creating user-defined rules.