
On the Production Schedules form, the Item box displays all items on this production schedule. To view the details and production schedule releases for an item, select an item in the list and then click the Items/Releases button. The system takes you to the Production Schedule Items form.

The same item can appear on multiple production schedules.

Note:  An item must be set up for Standard Costing. If the item is not set up for Standard Costing, you receive an error message. You can change the item's costing method to Standard; this change would also affect any jobs currently in production.

On the Production Schedule Items form, this field displays the production schedule item you selected on the Production Schedules form (described above).

On the Production Schedule Item Materials and Production Schedule Release Materials forms, this field (the Item field located on the top of the form) identifies the item number or code being manufactured.

On the Production Schedule Scrap Error Processing form, enter a released production schedule item number. An item may only be on a production schedule once. However, you can have the same item on different production schedules. The status of the production schedule must be released.

On the Production Schedule Complete Transactions and Production Schedule Complete Error Processing forms, enter a released production schedule item number.

Note:  An item must be set up for Standard costing. If the item is not set up for Standard costing you will receive an error message. You have the option of changing the costing method of the item to Standard costing. This would also affect any jobs for that same item that are currently in production. Additionally, the item must have a current routing.