Item in Alternative List

To roll up new item costs for only the items in your costing alternative record, this check box must be selected. To roll up costs for all items that match the criteria specified on the Costing Analysis Alternative Roll Up form, the check box should be cleared.

This field is intended for use in the final stage of a costing analysis process for which you want to update rates in your master files. In this process, you would change labor, material, and overhead rates for a small sample of items on the Costing Analysis Workbench, roll up the new items costs, and compare them with current costs. Repeat this process until the revised rates are final. You would then clear this check box to add many more items, based on your selection criteria, to the rollup for the costing alternative. When that is finished, you can roll the new costs to current using the Costing Analysis Alternative Roll Costs to Current form.