Generate Lot

Select Generate Lot to automatically generate lot numbers. By default, this feature is turned off. If you select this field, all lot numbers in the system will be expanded (use the full length of the field). This field cannot be accessed at the item level.


If you select this field and then clear it, the system does not unexpand existing lots. Lot Tracked Inventory that entered inventory with the Generate Lot field selected cannot be backflushed after Generate Lot is cleared. Therefore, if you have already selected this field and generated lots, we recommend you do not clear the field again.

Also, if an item does not have a Lot Prefix set, the lot number will be expanded using blank spaces; the lot number is expanded to the full length of the field, but it will not appear to be expanded. If the item DOES have a Lot Prefix, the lot number will be expanded using zeros.

When you update this field, all users must log out and back in before the new value takes effect in the system.