
The average efficiency percentage for a work center or operation is displayed.

For costing, this field indicates how efficient this work center is at converting actual hours of work capacity to standard hours of work completed. Typical values might range from 80.0% to 100.0%.

For APS and Scheduling, Efficiency is used in calculating the run time and setup time of jobs (setup hours or run hours * (100 / Efficiency)).

If you are using the Scheduler, you can also adjust efficiency with the Efficiency Factor on the Scheduling Parameters form. The Scheduler will factor in both the operation's Efficiency and the Efficiency Factor. Efficiency Factor is a global modifier that is applied to every operation and Efficiency is an operation-specific modifier. This does not apply to APS planning.

The efficiency value stated on the Work Centers form is not used in APS or Scheduling. That value simply defaults to the field on the operation when you specify the work center on that operation.
Note: Updating this field on Work Centers form does not update it on existing current or job operations nor vice versa.