How Alternate Materials Are Copied

This topic applies only if you are using the APS planning. It describes how alternate materials are copied when you copy the current routing/BOM in various forms in the system.

Engineering Workbench

On the Engineering Workbench form, you can copy a material from a current routing/BOM to another routing/BOM. When you copy an alternate material in this manner, it is always copied to the new routing/BOM as a primary material. To make the material an alternate in the new routing/BOM, change the new material's Alt Group number appropriately before you save the new record.

When you copy a current operation from one item to another item, any alternate materials specified in the source operation are copied as alternate materials. However, when you copy a current operation to create any other type of operation (such as a job or production schedule operation), the alternate materials are not copied.

Copy Routing/BOM

When you copy a current routing/BOM from one item to create a routing/BOM for another item, any alternate materials specified in the source routing/BOM are copied to the new routing/BOM as alternate materials.

When you copy a current routing/BOM to create another type of routing (such as a job or production schedule routing/BOM), the system copies any alternate materials APS selected in the last plan.

Firming Job Orders and Production Schedule Releases

When you firm a job or production schedule release that APS has planned, and you copy the current routing/BOM, the system copies any alternate materials selected in that last plan. The alternate materials are copied to the new routing/BOM as alternate materials.

When you firm a job or production schedule release that has not been planned, and you copy the current routing/BOM, the system does not copy any alternate materials.