Splitting Job Lots with Predefined Lots or Serials

If a job is being split that has preassigned lots or serial numbers, use the Lots or Serials tabs on the Job Lot Splitting form to indicate which lot and serial numbers are being split off to the new job.
Note:  If Generate Unique Lot or Generate Unique S/N is selected on the Inventory Parameters form, and you perform a job lot split, the original job's reference number or suffix will continue to be used.

The Lots tab lists all preassigned lot numbers. Select Split Off for each lot number that you want to assign to the new lot. At least one preassigned lot number must be selected before you process the split.

The Serials tab lists all preassigned serial numbers. In the Target Qty field, specify how many serial numbers you want to assign to the new lot, and click Select Range to select that number of lines from the grid.

Click Process to split the job.