Document types and predefined bundling rules

The Related Documents tab for the Document Type definitions in the Document Management app includes a rule builder. A Document Management administrator can use rules to specify conditions for aggregatiing (or bundling) a set of documents to be viewed, emailed, or printed together. This feature works across document types, allowing a user to relate documents of multiple types based on shared attributes.

Infor provides predefined bundling rules that set up related documents for customer orders and purchase orders, as shown in the table. These rules are set up to include related documents across SyteLine sites.

For more information, see Bundling documents.

Customer Order Verification related documents and bundling rules

Related documents Bundling rule
Customer specifications /CS_Customer[@CustNum = "{CustNum}" AND @EntityType="InforCustomerSpec" AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Original customer PO /CS_SalesOrder [@CustPo = "{CustPo}" AND @EntityType="InforOriginalCustomerPO" AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Item specification /CS_Item[@Item = "{Item/Value}" AND @EntityType=”InforItemSpec” AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Item drawing /CS_Item[@Item = "{Item/Value}" AND @EntityType=”InforItemDrawing” AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Customer order line /CS_CoLineRelease[@CoNum = "{CoNum}" AND @EntityType=”InforSalesOrderLine” AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Customer order line release /CS_CoLineRelease[@CoNum = "{CoNum}" AND @EntityType=”InforSalesOrderLineRelease” AND @IncludeInBundle=true]

Purchase Order related documents and bundling rules

Related documents Bundling rule
Vendor PO /CS_PurchaseOrder[@EntityType = "InforVendorPO" AND @VendOrder = "{VendOrder}" AND @IncludeInBundle = true]
Vendor specification /CS_Vendor[@VendNum = "{VendNum}" AND @EntityType="InforVendorSpec" AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Item specification /CS_Item[@Item = "{Item/Value}" AND @EntityType=”InforItemSpec” AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Item drawing /CS_Item[@Item = "{Item/Value}" AND @EntityType=”InforItemDrawing” AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Purchase order line /CS_PoLineRelease[@CoNum = "{CoNum}" AND @EntityType=”InforPurchaseOrderLine” AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Purchase order line release /CS_PoLineRelease[@CoNum = "{CoNum}" AND @EntityType=”InforPurchaseOrderLineRelease” AND @IncludeInBundle=true]
Note: After a rule exists in Document Management, any future imports will not overwrite or update the rule. You must manually update the rules as needed.