Manually adding ERP-related files in Document Management

You can manually insert files into the Document Management application, and define the attribute metadata to be stored with the file.

Note: To add a new version of a document that you previously added manually, you must check out the existing version in Document Management and then replace it with the new version.
  1. In Infor OS, open the Document Management app.
  2. Click New Document.
  3. Select the document type that you want to use to classify the document, for example CS_PurchaseOrder or CS_SalesInvoice. If the new document does not belong to any of the defined types, select Document.
  4. Click Create and follow the prompts to upload the attachment file.
  5. In the Attributes tab, specify the metadata attributes that you want to link to this document.

    The attributes that you can specify depend on the document type. For example, a sales invoice document type allows you to specify attributes such as the Customer Number, Customer Order Number, and Invoice Number for this sales invoice. This information links the document to a specific customer record on the Customers form, to a specific order on the Customer Orders form, and so on.

    Note: You must specify the values as they are defined in SyteLine. For example, include the appropriate leading spaces for customer, vendor, customer order, and purchase order numbers, which are defined as in SyteLine as NUMSORTCHAR.

    If you selected the generic Document type, the attributes you can specify are not tied to a specific record on any form.

  6. Save your changes.