Viewing automatically tagged document files

Use the Related Information context app with the forms in this table to view document attachments that are tied to the current record in the form, where the files were captured and tagged through SyteLine workflows.

Documents related to a SyteLine record are ordered by creation date and time in the Related Information context app.

If there are multiple documents for a record, you can filter using the attributes listed in the table to find the correct document. Remember that the attributes that are available to filter for a document depend on how and where the document was inserted. See Example: tagging and searching with attributes.

Form where document attachment is available through Related Information context app Entity name (Document type) Additional attributes for filtering and searching on this form
A/P Posted Transactions Detail InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum,CoNum,InvNum
A/P Vouchers and Adjustments InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum,CoNum,InvNum
A/R Posted Transactions Detail InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum,CoNum,InvNum
A/R Posted Transactions Summary InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum,CoNum
Commissions Due InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum,CoNum,InvNum
Customer 360 InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum
Customer 360 InforCustomerSpec (CS_Customer) CustNum
Customer Order Blanket Lines InforSalesOrderLine (CS_COLineRelease) CoNum, CoLine
Customer Order Blanket Releases InforSalesOrderLineRelease (CS_CoLineRelease) CoNum, CoLine, CoRelease
Customer Order Lines InforSalesOrderLine(CS_CoLineRelease) CoNum, CoLine
Customer Orders InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum,CoNum
Customer Orders InforSalesOrder (CS_SalesOrder) CoNum
Customer Orders InforOriginalCustomerPO (CS_SalesOrder) CoNum, CustPo
Customers InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum
Customers InforCustomerSpec (CS_Customer) CustNum
Customer Orders Quick Entry InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum,CoNum
Invoice Listing InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum,CoNum,InvNum
Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos InforSalesInvoice (CS_SalesInvoice) CustNum,CoNum,InvNum
Items InforItemSpec(CS_Item) Item
Items InforItemDrawing(CS_Item) Item
Order Shipping InforSalesOrder (CS_SalesOrder) CoNum
Purchase Order Blanket Lines InforPurchaseOrderLine (CS_POLineRelease) PoNum, PoLine
Purchase Order Blanket Releases InforPurchaseOrderLineRelease (CS_POLineRelease) PoNum, PoLine, PoRelease
Purchase Orders SyteLineVoucher (CS_SupplierInvoice) VendorNumber,PoNumber, InvNum (Optional: InvoiceDate, VendorOrder, Freight, MiscCharges)
Purchase Orders InforPurchaseOrder (CS_PurchaseOrder) PoNum
Purchase Order Lines InforPurchaseOrderLine (CS_PoLineRelease) PoNum, PoLine
Purchase Orders Quick Entry InforPurchaseOrder (CS_PurchaseOrder) PONum
Test Results Entry InforAccountingEntity (Document) Site
Vendor 360 InforPurchaseOrder (CS_PurchaseOrder) VendNum
Vendor 360 InforVendorSpec (CS_Vendor) VendNum
Vendors SyteLineVoucher (CS_SupplierInvoice) VendNum, PoNum, InvNum
Vendors InforSalesInvoice (CS_SupplierInvoice) VendNum