Sales Overview widget

View key sales numbers for the selected date range, or click > to view details in each area (Shipments, Order Bookings, Late Orders, Pipeline, or Opportunities).

Filters: Select a multi-site group to display this information for all sites in that group. Select a start and end date or use the defaults of today -30 and today +30.

Summary and detail information is available in each section.


View: You can group and sum the information in the grid by site, product code, or item.


  • Total Revenue: Sum of the Net Price values in the grid.
  • Total Margin: Sum of the Margin values in the grid.

Order Bookings

View: You can group and sum the information in the grid by salesperson, product code, or site.


  • Total Revenue: Sum of the Net Price values in the grid.
  • Total Margin: Sum of the Net Margin values in the grid.

Late Orders

Calculation: Total Revenue: Sum of the Revenue values in the grid.


This data is not shown across sites.

View: You can group and sum the information in the grid by salesperson, territory, or stage.

Calculation: Pipeline Value: Sum of the Pipeline Values in the grid.


This data is not shown across sites.

Win % indicates the win percentage for the opportunities in the grid.