% On Time Shipments widget

Graph the percentage of orders that were fully shipped on time for the current period and several previous periods.

Filter: Select a multi-site group to display this information for all sites in that group.

Calculations: For each CO line, find shipments that were processed on or before the line’s Due Date. (Shipments after that date are ignored.) If the Shipped Quantity > or = the line’s Quantity Ordered, the line was shipped on time.

For each period, count the number of lines with a Due Date in that period. Then calculate the percentage using the on-time calculation above. Example: if you have 10 lines due in the period, and 6 were fully shipped by the Line’s Due Date (not Period End Date), 2 were partially shipped, 1 was not shipped, and 1 was partially shipped before the Due Date and completely shipped after the Due Date, the % On Time Shipments for the period is 60%.